Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The difference between the Impact and TFC

Let's get this out of the way first: I am a happy Toronto FC season ticket holder. I am happy to have professional soccer in our beautiful, big city.

However, for me the future of TFC promises more of the past when it comes to Toronto sports franchises - no proper commitment to winning - not like in Montreal - where either people seem to think differently or organizations are set up better for winning.

I just read a Montreal Gazette interview with Montreal Impact owner Joey Saputo in which Saputo reveals his greatest fear and the secret behind the success of his franchise:

"Greatest fear?...Not being successful at what I do. I like to go into everything knowing that I'm going to succeed. My biggest fear is thinking it's not going to happen..."

I just don't imagine anybody at Toronto FC being capable of making such a statement.

And of course we all know that it's Saputo's Impact that's in the Champions League and not Richard Peddie's or (fill-in the blank's) TFC.

Unless TFC changes something - it's organizational structure or it's leadership - I expect that trend to continue into the future: Montreal will win more than Toronto.

And I'll still be a TFC fan - just not has happy as I could be.

Because we all know that winning is beautiful.

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